2010 | 84′ | 35 mm | Portuguese
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Rio Sonata

This film is dedicated to Nana Caymmi, one of Brazil‘s most sophisticated singers and her leading role in the Brazilian music world in the last 50 years.
2010 | 84′ | 35 mm | Portuguese

World Sales


Georges Gachot


Gachot Films

Co-produced by
SRF – Schweizer Fernsehen
Urs Augstburger, Thomas Beck

SSR SRG idée Suisse, Alberto Chollet

Associate producer
Idéale Audience, Pierre Olivier Bardet


Schweizer Fernsehen
Urs Augstburger, Thomas Beck
SSR SRG idée Suisse, Alberto Chollet

Associate producer
Idéale Audience, Pierre Olivier Bardet

With the support of
Fonds Culturel Suissimage
Office fédérale de la culture
Xenix Filmdistribution
Desjardin SAS


Gilberto Gil
Milton Nascimento
Antonio Carlos Jobim
Maria Bethânia
Joao Donato
Erasmo Carlos
Sueli Costa
Dorival Caymmi
Dori Caymmi


Pio Corradi
Matthias Kälin

Balthasar Jucker
Dieter Meyer
Aloysio Compasso

Ruth Schläpfer

Digiton, Jürg von Allmen

Marcia Corban

Paul Avondet, Andromeda Film

Hans Künzi, Studio SDS

Charly Huser, EgliFilm

Antonio Venancio

Awards and nominations

Screenings and festivals

17e Vitoria Cine Video 2010- Espirito Santo (Brasil)
Amazonia Filmfestival 2010 – Manaus
Mostra de Sao Paulo 2010
Buenos Aires, Argentina, DocBsAs 2010
Vancouver Intl. Film Festival 2010
Rio de Janeiro Intl. Film Festival 2010

Journée cinématographique de Soleure 2011
Locarno Film Festival 2011 – „Appellations Suisse“
Festival du film Brésilien de Montréal, 2011
Festival du film Brésilien de Toronto, 2011
Jecheon International Music & Film Festival 2011
28th Jerusalem Int. Film Festival, 2011
13e Festival du Cinéma Brésilien de Paris, 2011
Minneapolis (USA) filmfestival 2011
Chicago (USA) intl. Movies, Music Festival, 2011
E tudo Verdade / It’s All True 2011
Art FIFA 2011 – compétition
20 Maio musical 2012, Brazil
Festival SESC mehlores filmes 2012
Weltfilmtage, Thusis
Festival Filmar en America Latina (Genève)
Uruguay – Festival Internacional de Cine de Punta del Este – competition
New York ( USA), Y92 Tribeca

Rio Sonata

This film is dedicated to Nana Caymmi, one of Brazil‘s most sophisticated singers and her leading role in the Brazilian music world in the last 50 years.

This film is dedicated to Nana Caymmi, one of Brazil’s most sophisticated singers and her leading role in the Brazilian music world in the last 50 years. Nana Caymmi is the guardian of an unrivaled musical heritage. She is the daughter of emblematic composer Dorival Caymmi, former wife of Gilberto Gil, muse of Milton Nascimento, and childhood friend of Nelson Freire and seen by her peers as Brazil’s greatest singer and cited by journalist Roberto Moura as „The singer’s singer“. After 6 years of production the film was released in autumn 2010.


VARIETY (Jay Weissberg)• Singer Nana Caymmi may not be well known outside Brazil, but with any luck, Georges Gachot’s “Rio Sonata” will change that. Now pushing 70 but with a voice possibly smoother than when she started, Caymmi effortlessly moves from bossa nova to a laid-back jazz style that’s left a mark on Brazilian music for the past two generations. Shooting over six years, Gachot, whose previous docus include films on Martha Argerich and Maria Bethania, crafts a silky, soft-spoken love poem to both Caymmi and Rio that’s sure to beguile fests, Euro cable and ancillary.

THE LINK • It is impossible not to fall in love with Rio de Janeiro after watching Rio Sonata… Marrying the breathtaking views of Rio to the warmth and romantic voice of Caymmi, Gachot tells a story that targets our hearts and senses. Anyone having a sensitive cord in their body will be moved. Let yourself be transported by the emerald-turquoise-wave of this film and see why George Gachot’s work is in the FIFA’s competition list.

VANCOUVER SUN • „One sequence in particular shows what she means to her fans; at a daylight concert, the camera peers over her shoulder to show the rapt faces of people in the front rows. It reminds you of what someone once said when jazz pianist Art Tatum made an appearance: „God is in the house.“

LA OTRA RADIO • „Para mí es el gran documental sobre un músico, de los últimos años“.


LE TEMPS (Michel Barbey) • C’eux que son précédent Maria Bethânia: Música é perfume a laissés pantelants d’émotion se sont déjà jetés sur ce Rio Sonata avec lequel il forme une sorte de diptyque enchanté, bulle de bonheur simple à la dérive dans l’univers très formaté des biopics à tendance hagiographique. Les autres apprendront bien un jour ce que le documentaire musical doit à Georges Gachot, réalisateur francosuisse qui pourrait bien être à la musique brésilienne ce que Wim Wenders a été à la cubaine. L’ambition est tout autre et, partant, le dispositif mis en place pour capter le pouls d’une musique et/ou d’un pays, qui relève ici de l’artisanat assumé. Cela ne l’empêche pas d’atteindre à une poésie en tout cas égale, en authenticité et en puissance de suggestion, à celle de son prestigieux prédécesseur.

LE TEMPS (Arnaud Robert) • Il est des instants, dans ce film amoureux, qui résument, presque un sciècle de musique populaire brésilienne.“

LE DIMANCHE MATIN (Freddy Buache) • Gachot la suit et parvient à faire partager sa présence et sa voix avec le public, avec ses compagnons de travail au travers du paysage (la nature, le jour, la nuit, face à des silences ou des roulements de voitures) près de la plage de Copacabana, des studios d’enregistrement ou des séances de répétition que fascinent les accords qui savent rompre avec délicatesse de la mélodie des textes afin de les soulever jusqu’à l’incarnation lyrique, exaltée ou murmurées, véritable stèle en pellicule d’un morceau de civilisation.

TRIBUNE DE GENEVE • Rio Sonata, voyage magique emprunt de saudade.


ZÜRITIPP • Poesie der Dämmerung. Stimmungsbilder von der Dämmerung und dem Strand der Copacabana strukturieren das Porträt der 69-jährigen Sängerin Caymmi, als hätte Georges Gachot vor allem jene Momente einfangen wollen, in denen das Leben sich verlangsamt, die Strände sich leeren und die Menschen empfänglich werden für Poesie.» «Dass die Musik Caymmis Leben ist, macht Gachots Film eindringlich klar.»

ZÜRICHSEE ZEITUNG • «RIO SONATA ist, wie alle Gachot-Filme, klangtechnisch ein kleines Wunderwerk.»

BASLER ZEITUNG • «RIO SONATA ist ein erhellender Einblick in eine für uns fremde Musikkultur.»


VERTENTES do CINEMA (Fabricio Duque) • Confesso que eu nunca fui fã da cantora Nana Caymmi. Quando assisti ao seriado de televisão “Hilda Furação”, achava o tema de abertura chato. Então, o que esperar de um documentário sobre a artista, filha de Dorival Caymmi? Fui à cabine de imprensa, já que tinha perdido a exibição no Festival do Rio de 2010. Qual foi a minha surpresa ao acabar o filme? Nana ganhara um novo seguidor. É engraçado que quando se conhece a interprete, as músicas ganham uma maior importância.

NOTICIA CAPITAL (Ana Teresa Baptista) • O filme tão belo e delicado quanto a voz da cantora, mostra paisagens do Rio de Janeiro, trás algumas das amigas da intérprete…e faz uma justa homenagem ao pai, Dorival Caymmi, que compôs para ela a música „Acalanto“. No cinema, somos todos acalentados pela deliciosa voz da cantora.


„Ate Pensei“ • Chico Buarque

„Sem Poupar Coração“ • Dori Caymmi – Paulo César Pinheiro

„Waltz of the Flowers“ • Tchaikowsky

„Medo de Amar“ by Vinicius de Moraes

„Na Rua, na Chuva, na Fazenda“ • Hyldon

„Saveiros“ • Dori Caymmi – Nelson Motta

„Fora de Hora“ • Dori Caymmi – Chico Buarque

„Torturante Ironia“ • Oreste Barbosa – Sílvio Caldas

„Saudade de Amar“ • Dori Caymmi – Paulo César Pinheiro

„Estrada do Sol“ • Dolores Duran – Tom Jobim

„Reverie“ • Claude Debussy

„Esmeraldas“ • Rosa Passos – Fernando de Oliveira

„Clair de Lune“ • Claude Debussy

„Bom Dia“ • Nana Caymmi – Gilberto Gil

„Esmeraldas“ • Rosa Passos – Fernando de Oliveira

„Atrás da Porta“ • Chico Buarque – Francis Hime

„Cais“ • Milton Nascimento – Ronaldo Bastos

„Sem Você“ • Vinicius de Moraes / Tom Jobim

„Só Louco“ • Dorival Caymmi

„Caju em Flor“ • João Donato – Ronaldo Bastos

„Resposta ao Tempo“ • Cristóvão Bastos – Aldir Blanc

„A Tonga da Mironga do Kabulete“ • Vinicius de Moraes – Toquinho

„Não se Esqueça de Mim“ • Erasmo Carlos e Roberto Carlos

„Sonho“ • Sueli Costa

„Sussurana“ • Heckel Tavares – Luiz Peixoto

„João Valentão“ • Dorival Caymmi

„Um Vestido de Bolero“ • Dorival Caymmi

„É Doce Morrer no Mar“ • Dorival Caymmi / Jorge Amado

„Sabado em Copacabana“ • Dorival Caymmi – Carlos Guinle

„Acalanto“ • Dorival Caymmi

„Sorri“ („Smile“) • Charles Chaplin, G. Parsons, J. Turner – versão João de Barro (Braguinha).

„Ate Pensei“ • Chico Buarque

World Sales


Georges Gachot


Gachot Films

Co-produced by
SRF – Schweizer Fernsehen
Urs Augstburger, Thomas Beck

SSR SRG idée Suisse, Alberto Chollet

Associate producer
Idéale Audience, Pierre Olivier Bardet


Schweizer Fernsehen
Urs Augstburger, Thomas Beck
SSR SRG idée Suisse, Alberto Chollet

Associate producer
Idéale Audience, Pierre Olivier Bardet

With the support of
Fonds Culturel Suissimage
Office fédérale de la culture
Xenix Filmdistribution
Desjardin SAS


Gilberto Gil
Milton Nascimento
Antonio Carlos Jobim
Maria Bethânia
Joao Donato
Erasmo Carlos
Sueli Costa
Dorival Caymmi
Dori Caymmi


Pio Corradi
Matthias Kälin

Balthasar Jucker
Dieter Meyer
Aloysio Compasso

Ruth Schläpfer

Digiton, Jürg von Allmen

Marcia Corban

Paul Avondet, Andromeda Film

Hans Künzi, Studio SDS

Charly Huser, EgliFilm

Antonio Venancio

Awards and nominations

Screenings and festivals

17e Vitoria Cine Video 2010- Espirito Santo (Brasil)
Amazonia Filmfestival 2010 – Manaus
Mostra de Sao Paulo 2010
Buenos Aires, Argentina, DocBsAs 2010
Vancouver Intl. Film Festival 2010
Rio de Janeiro Intl. Film Festival 2010

Journée cinématographique de Soleure 2011
Locarno Film Festival 2011 – „Appellations Suisse“
Festival du film Brésilien de Montréal, 2011
Festival du film Brésilien de Toronto, 2011
Jecheon International Music & Film Festival 2011
28th Jerusalem Int. Film Festival, 2011
13e Festival du Cinéma Brésilien de Paris, 2011
Minneapolis (USA) filmfestival 2011
Chicago (USA) intl. Movies, Music Festival, 2011
E tudo Verdade / It’s All True 2011
Art FIFA 2011 – compétition
20 Maio musical 2012, Brazil
Festival SESC mehlores filmes 2012
Weltfilmtage, Thusis
Festival Filmar en America Latina (Genève)
Uruguay – Festival Internacional de Cine de Punta del Este – competition
New York ( USA), Y92 Tribeca